Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Boys, Boys, Boys and Boys

Hello Lovlies,

It's been a while and I'm sorry for the millionth time! This blogpost is going to be a little different as I asked my followers on my social media sites to email me questions about boys and relationships that they are struggling with. If any boys read my blog (which I doubt any do) I'm sure this may be helpful to you too.

Before I get started I'm not a professional and what I say may not work for you but if I was in your shoes this is what I'd personally do.

"How did YOU know the time/place was right when you had your first kiss and how old were you?"

My first kiss was nothing special it wasn't even that good if i'm going to be 100% honest, I don't think anyones first kiss is what they expect it to be. It was at the movies and to say the least I was so scared and so nervous because I didn't know what to do, I was 14 or 15 (I can't remember). I don't regret kissing the person I'm not one of those people who gets sentimental about things like that as it was just a kiss.

"How to get a guy you don't want to talk to you to stop talking to you politely?"

If by talking to you, you mean flirting then the best thing you can do is just say things like "you're good friend" and call the names like "mate" and "pal" it works, trust me! I don't think there is a polite way of doing this without hurting their feelings but you try taking your time to reply to him or even just say you aren't looking for a relationship or anything like that at the moment.

"I don't want older guys to see me as their younger sister, what can I do to change that?"

If you are interested in them and want to get out of that 'sister zone' ask them to hang out with you one on one like go to the movies, also try being a little more flirtatious and even take a few extra minutes getting ready before you go see them.

"If you have ever had a bad breakup how did you convince yourself to let him go and 'try' to move on? I've been struggling with this for nearly a year and it's literally ruining my life and making me feel so bad about myself and I am sick of feeling this way!"

I have only ever had one proper boyfriend and when we broke up I was a mess. If the person meant a lot to you and you hold very special memories together then it's hard moving on from someone who bought you so much joy and happiness. Time heals pain and the best thing you can do is keep your space between him, delete him from Facebook so you can't see what he is up to and you can't check is profile ever 10 minutes. I found keeping myself busy was also good and being around friends and family. It's hard going through a break up but remember the pain is temporary and it's a part of life. You will meet someone maybe tomorrow, maybe next week or maybe in a year who will make you forget that person and who will make you happier than you ever have been.

"How do you know when you're ready to take things to the next level?"

Taking things to the next level doesn't necessarily mean sexually, it could mean meeting each others family, having a sleep over, etc. I always think "will I regret this" if yes, then i'm not ready to take things further because nothing is worse than regretting something that you have done because it can't be changed, it happened. You just have to be sure that it's what you want, even if you have to think about it for a day/week/month it's better knowing you made the right choice than rushing into something you didn't think about.

"I'm starting to have feelings for a guy I met online and want to meet up with him in real life, i've never been on a date before. What do I do when I meet up with him?"

I think you should organise to go out for coffee, lunch or dinner and take a friend and their boyfriend/girlfriend or something because personally I wouldn't be comfortable meeting someone I met online in person alone, just because of safety reasons so going in a group would be a great idea also there will not be awkward silences because you have two other people to communicate with. If all goes well and you feel comfortable around him then the next time you decide to do something it can just be you and him. 

"I'm 15 years old, but I really like this 18 year old boy and he likes me back. My elder brother is in his year and is VERY protective of me, he doesn't like the idea of me dating someone his age because they only want one thing."

Thank God I don't have an older brother! I think you need to sit down with your brother and explain to him that you both like each other and not every boy is like that. I think also making up some rules, like you'll leave your bedroom door opened when he is over, you have to be home by a certain time stuff like that. Also let your brother know that you aren't a little girl anymore you are going to be dating guys it's a part of life and yes you are going to date the wrong boys at times but you're also going to date really good guys. I also think becoming closer with your brother I have friends who are super close with their older brother/sister and they tell them everything so maybe even start to become closer to your brother and letting him in on things if you don't already. 

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